More Water in Motion


TPF Noob!
Jul 9, 2003
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Went down the the national park on the weekend. Still taken with the Coolpix 4500. The first two had a shutter speed of somewhere around 1/4, while the second two are closer to 1/250. (I can look up all the exact details if you *really* want me to :P )





Feedback is appreciated as per usual :)
All of them are real nice. i especially love the last one because I've never seen one like it.
their lovely ... that last one sure is something special :)
very impressive nukie!!!
(makes me feel i should not go on with my photography anymore :shock: )
thanks for telling us howdya did it.... i like the 1st and last pic most!
nice shots, I'm gonna try those kinda pics meself now

mmmm, now where the f*** can I find a waterfall in this
FLAT!!!! country...........

I really love your DOF on the first 2. I say this cuz people tend to lean towards a very shallow one and the deep works really nicely here. good shutter speed also, neat effect.

Is there a really shallow DOF on the third one? If not I'd like to see this one w/ a really fast shutter speed to get stopped action, but u said it was 1/250 which should have stopped it

Is there any digital enhancement in the last one? Its just one of those things that looks like it is, tho I have this feeling its not.

great work
tr0gd0o0r said:
Is there any digital enhancement in the last one? Its just one of those things that looks like it is, tho I have this feeling its not. great work

Nope, no enhancements to any of them except for a basic levels on the third (if my memory serves me correctly).

The last one was troubling me greatly, as I just couldn't get the camera to focus on the water. It kept wanting to put the reflected image in focus (this was with manual focus too). So then I switched the camera to full auto to allow it to auto focus, and the silly thing decided to fire the flash. I figured the shot was write off immediately after taking it, but when I got back home to the computer, it was the only one out of a dozen or so photos that was crisp and clear.

Oh oh, and the whirlpool was at the bottom of a shallow canyon with no direct sunlight.

captain-spanky said:
don't suppose you've got a bigger copy of that last pic you could mail me have you? I'd love that on my mac desktop... :D
But of course. Share and share alike, thats my motto :P I'll upload a few different sizes to my site in the next few days and get back to you :)
That last one is certainly something very special!
The colors and patterns blend so beautifully, fantastic shot!

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