New from South Texas


TPF Noob!
Mar 12, 2012
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San Antonio, TX
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Hello everyone. My Name is Victoria or Vicki which ever you prefer as i answer to both.. I am from south texas and i am a new owner of a Nikon D3100. I have the kit lens plus a 75-200mm lens as well.. i have been really interested in photography as a hobby and save up the money and got me my first DSLR.. I have had it for about 2 weeks now and i must say i def take better quality photos than with my ol' point and shoot. i have posted some photos on flickr if you would like to view them.. but remember that i am still in the learning phase right now.. I am trying all different different types of tricks and so far i really light night soon

Flickr: RedVixen81's Photostream
Howdy and welcome to the forum. I lived in San Antonio for 30 years and really miss that place. RIP Chris Madrid. How I miss the food. Pappasitos on I-10, Leon Springs, Los Barrios on Blanco Road, etc.
Hello from California and welcome. I am checking out you flickr account asap, Thank you and Good Luck
Welcome from just up I-35! I'm from Austin, it's nice to see another Texan here! Congrats on the camera, I peeked at your pics and you're off to a great start. The more you shoot, the more you learn!
Thanks for the response... yes it is sad about Chris Madrid, but what is more sad is that i have never ate have a few more photos to put on my flickr account of more light painting photos i took.. i will have those up tonight..i wish more of my friends here had some DSLR's so that way we can go on photo taking trips around town...but i am planning a trip to the zoo and the botanical garden when the weather finally makes up its mind to stay clear for a while....
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