Post a few photos here for us to see. You'll get more feedback that way.
You don't charge people for these? By adding the word "photography" to your watermark it implies that you have a business. The shot of the girl is ok, the others I wouldn't have posted. Out of focus, crooked and poorly composed, flat, lifeless images.

Just my opinion.
A hot shoe flash unit, and knowing how to use it would sure help these photos, particularly because you can be close to the action. The first 2 runners are severely underexposed because of the back lighting and apparent use of matrix metering. all the other photos, expect the girl in the black shirt, are also under exposed to one degree or another.

Using flash for field sports is less useful because the light can't reach far enough to fill the shadows.

+1 on the weak compositional aspects of the photos.
I would recommend a lower camera perspective for 2 reasons:
1 - to minimize background distractions.
2 - to make the runners seem taller and more powerful.
As KmH said, a hotshoe flash would be your best friend for shots like this.

Also, learn how to use spot metering. When your subject is backlit like this, you don't want to use matrix metering if you want people's face to expose properly.

If you're having trouble nailing the spot metering on a moving subject, you may find it easier to use the AE lock function (if your camera has it) once you find an exposure you're happy with.
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