should have known better!


TPF Noob!
Jul 2, 2008
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a place few people heard of
Can others edit my Photos
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just the other day i went out with a colleague from high-school times to take some pictures of her. we decided to do this about a week ago but during that week she insisted that her cousin comes along cause she wants some photos too and a friend too. so, not knowing better i accepted and ended up doing the same frames over and over again with different models. plus that not being able to connect with any given subject, my creativity was all but missing and i ended up frustrated and with about 2 pictures out of 200 that i can show her, she wouldn't mind the bad ones but i am ashamed to show them to her. SO this goes out at all the newbies just as me who want to shoot models... go one at a time... i know i will... unless they are a couple.

however i did manage to play with the reflector a little to fill the shadows from the harsh sun but that does not compensate for all the frustration.
That sucks. Just remember that when you're in that kind of situation, you're the art director and you control the shoot. It's a hard thing to do sometimes, especially without coming across like an ass but if you don't, you end up with somebody dictating the shoot who knows little/nothing about photography. Any examples of your good ones?
since she was my friend i didn't wanna seem rude but you are right.
i will show you only one that seems ok. it was shot contre-jour with the flash

nothin much concerning creativity.
Hey, that's pretty good! The rim light spilling on the top of her head is a bit hot, and her expression is a pretty dry, but you've got a nice shot here. :thumbup:
From a legal standpoint it's better for you if your model has a friend along.

But, like Sherman said you have to take control if you are going to maximize your time and effort. It's one of the 'other skills' you have to acquire to be a photographer.
Not a bad picture for a first time out. Especially with the contre-jour. Yes, I had to go google that.

Learn something new every day.
Not a bad picture for a first time out. Especially with the contre-jour. Yes, I had to go google that.

Learn something new every day.

+1 on the google search :D.

I think the picture is rather nice.
thank you all for the kind words. KmH, you are right but i have not yet developed that skill. it was my second time out but the first time with more than one model.
thank you all for the kind words. KmH, you are right but i have not yet developed that skill. it was my second time out but the first time with more than one model.
The best lessons are learned in the 'school of hard knocks'.

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