Strange day...


I am now benign!
Mar 9, 2003
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Deep in the heart of Texas!
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit feels like the "official" start of major changes that are about to come flying at me at blinding speeds. Definitely a strange time for me.

This is my last day at my current job. It is one of those situations where I really like the people I work with, but haven't exactly been happy with the actual job in quite some time. So, won't miss the job, definitely will miss the people...most of whom I consider great friends. Work is a strange place, considering just how much time you spend with these people.

After this, its full swing get-ready-to-move time. My house will be getting packed up on Monday and then starts the adventure of moving half way across the country. That is something I've sworn I would do for years now, and even though I've wanted it for a long time, I can't believe the day is finally just around the corner.

Strange times indeed!
Well, I can remember talking with you at the very beginning stages of this plan and I am so excited for you to start fresh. Change is scary, but necessary to keep life interesting ;) I know that once you aer settled in your new place things will seem more relaxed. Congrats on making this goal happen :thumbsup:
Change is always difficult and routine can be painful....there is no happy medium.

Good luck with the move, I understand you're shifting to Texas? Better buy yourself a gun or you won't fit in. (kidding :lol: )
I know how you feel. I've never left home for more than a week. I love the time i spend here at my workplace and i leave on Friday! :guilty: Plus a while after that, my boyfriend is coming to take me away to live in New York!
The place i live in now is very different than New York. It's a small town...The biggest thing we got going for ourselves is that we own the biggest liftlocks in the world. :/

It's pretty scary... :confused:
Yup, picking up and moving definitely feels strange sometimes. Doesn't seem like too long ago I was talking with a few people about a scouting trip in Joshua Tree ;)

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueler
I can't imagine picking up and moving across the country. I hate the thought of just moving across town. I think it is all in the attitude people have when they have to make a major change. You seem excited and hopeful and I think that it will make it a positive experience for you.

I won't go on and on about Texas because I know California has a lot to offer. We'll let you get settled in and then show you around the state. :hugs:
Yaaay! Chase will be in my time zone soon! :lol:

It'll be ok,'ll just take some time for things to feel normal again.
actually, i'm considering the same thing, but not sure which direction to head as of yet. good luck Chase and i hope all goes well!
JonMikal said:
actually, i'm considering the same thing, but not sure which direction to head as of yet. good luck Chase and i hope all goes well!

ILLINOIS! ILLINOIS!!! (I need someone close by I can go shootin with!)

BTW, I am hereby proposing the midwest TPF meetup. I want something close enough I CAN GO!!!
I picked up and moved from Michigan to Georgia years ago, and it was a very heady period. Heading into the Great Unknown is a time for solemn go party your butts off! :mrgreen: :cheers:

I think it's wonderful to challenge yourself like this, shake things up. :thumbup:

Congrats on the last day, the Big Move, and here's wishing the best of times for you! :)
JonMikal said:
actually, i'm considering the same thing, but not sure which direction to head as of yet. good luck Chase and i hope all goes well!
Ya'll head South, my friend....folks are friendly in these here parts. :mrgreen:
Thanks guys! I'm 100% comfortable that it is a good decision and the right move for me, but its definitely a bigger change than I've ever put myself through before.

As far as California goes, yeah, there is a lot to offer. There is also a lot of crap that goes along with it, which is why I'm outta here!
terri said:
Ya'll head South, my friend....folks are friendly in these here parts. :mrgreen:

i was thinking more on the lines of Area 51 :lmao:

yep, im taking over this thread too! :gun: THE SPAMMEISTER!

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