I got a little pussy tonight!

Runnah, sorry to hear this. You did what you could. Can't ask for more.
Oh no! :blueface: I'm sorry this happened to her but glad that you took her in so she at least wasn't alone.
My sympathies. It's always hard to lose a cat.
:( Very sorry to hear of this turn of events

But yes, be glad that you gave her a few happy, warm, safe days in her life.
Poor little girl. :( She was out there too long, more than likely with no vaccinations, and fell prey. It happens You still did right by giving her shelter, food, and making her feel safe. No way to predict this outcome, but at least she didn't languish or suffer long. Sometimes that's all you can offer. :heartpump:
Poor thing! I'm glad you took her in. Those don't sound like any rabies symptoms I've ever heard of or had experience with. It sounds like she may have had some other severe health problems though.
Sad day for all. Luckily my son is away with his grandparents but he I still going to be upset.
Drama continues... Cat had rabies!!!

A round of shots for everyone in the family. I am super pissed that the vet we took it to didn't mention it to be a risk.

That's what we get for trying to be nice.
That sucks! Those shots aren't fun!
Drama continues... Cat had rabies!!!

A round of shots for everyone in the family. I am super pissed that the vet we took it to didn't mention it to be a risk.

That's what we get for trying to be nice.

Eh the vet probably assumed that you'd be aware of the risk as its pretty common to be aware of rabies as a potential issue with any stray. Still least you all got jabbed up!

I try to get one every night

And here I thought you were a dog guy and hated cats!
It doesn't say cats in the title, if a cat came near our house they would rip it to shreads

Can I borrow one of your dogs?

Next cat I see is going to be shot at.
I'm sorry that the cat was sick and now everyone needs to get the rabies shots, but I'm going to stop reading this thread now.

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