Is there such a thing as asking for too much CC?


TPF Noob!
Nov 11, 2011
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I ask this because I can't seem to put my camera down and I'm continually trying different things, and yes you guessed it I would like some honest critique.
Friends and family are great but, only for your ego lol.

Would posting picture for CC once a day be too much?


Nope. You are just fine! The key to getting the feedback you need will be to tell us what you were TRYING to do, if you succeeded and why you think it worked or didn't work. Your settings and not a million images in one post. Otherwise you could post a couple a day and it'd be fine!
Thanks MLeek, I will do better at posting less images, I know I'm bad for that, for CC and explain what I as trying to do.

I'll get my next CC post ready lol ;)
If you are improving, learning from the comments, and not just doing the same thing over and over again, I think it would be fine.

Just one the saying goes, the difference between a good photographer and a bad photographer is the good photographer doesn't show you his bad shots. Try to be selective and only post your best unless you are trying to get advice on what you could have done differently.

Also, make sure you number your photos, and it always helps if you critique your shots before hand. Let us know what you would have liked to have done differently, what you like about the photo, and what you don't like.

Just one the saying goes, the difference between a good photographer and a bad photographer is the good photographer doesn't show you his bad shots.


Thanks for the words of wisdom. They will not be forgotten.
Self critique is a little known trait that will move you ahead more quickly than the others trying to learn at the same time. Scrolling down 14 images of your "little angle" will get you attention, but not likely the kind you wish for. I'd suggest 1 to 3 images out of the same set/session which may be similar, but yet are different. I believe continuity will yield more substance in peoples' responses.
I would say no, it would not be too much. My problem is that I end up not posting enough. I tend to be a bit too self deprecating and don't think most of my shots are worthy of posting and asking for feedback. I know this is counter intuitive because the more feedback you get from other "eyes" the better you can become. I would say post away, and I need to take some of my own advice.

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