First, take a common ordinary household object (a lamp, a can opener, a fork, a pen) and find 30 different ways to shoot it. No, post-production doesn't count. You can do this with almost anything and it's a great way to improve your perspective.
Second, look for particular shapes in your house (like "S" curves...either natural ones or created by laying out beads or cooked spaghetti).
Third, shoot pictures with objects to illustrate key compositional principles (like: leading lines, or framing a focal point, or the use of negative space).
Fourth, practice you white balance expertise. Yeah, yeah, can shoot in RAW and then use PS to correct for some of it. But in this case, try to get it right in camera.
Fifth, shoot water drops.
Sixth, shoot ink in water.
Seventh, shoot shadow and light patterns that occur naturally.