wow. really Thom?
"Consumer in this context means mostly the Mode dial cameras (e.g. currently D3300, D5500, D610, D750)"
this is one of the single most retarded articles I have seen from Thom yet. hes really reaching here.
first off, he completely fails to separate Nikons camera linup in any reasonable way except to purposefully skew the numbers the way he wants them. if you actually look at his classifications, this is clearly obvious. (see above quote)
secondly, the entire premise of his article know what? I have no friggen idea what the premise of his article is. its just that stupid. he spends have the article re-classifying cameras, and the other half bitching about Nikon not making a mirrorless camera. does Thom just have so much Nikon stock that he feels he constantly has to try and protect the company? or is he just so much of a conceited ego-maniac that he really thinks he knows the camera business better than Nikon does?
The answer, Thom, is this....
Nikon makes a limited lens lineup for DX because....and please bear with me just a moment....
wait for it..... (this may come as a shock to you)
DX camera users can use FX lenses.
yup. the word is finally out.
I know, I know...there are some reasons that lenses specific for DX would be nice. smaller, cheaper...but I think in the end, enough people are buying the pro FX lenses for their DX bodies that Nikon probably doesn't feel the need to make two versions of the same lens, especially when im sure the bulk of those consumer DX buyers arent buying many lenses outside of the kit lenses anyway. so...Nikon is supposed to develop and produce pro DX lenses for the remaining people that want pro lenses cheaper for their DX cameras? I think Nikon would be better off improving their Kit lenses like Fuji and making it an 18-55 f/2.8-4 lens.
As for the resurgence of the "pro DX" camera...
I think Thom is really overthinking Nikons decision there. I think its simply a response to more people using DX cameras for wildlife/sports shooting and Canon putting out some better DX FPS/buffer options lately.
I think Thom is completely off on where he thinks the D500 will steal sales from. the D610/d810? really?
come on man, are you even trying at this point Thom?
An entry level FF and a camera totally designed for portrait/landscape work...yes Thom, those are the cameras that the new DX sports camera is going to pull from. *facepalm*
for someone who is supposed to be some sort of Nikon expert, he sure doesnt seem to know the company (or the customers) very well. I mean, im an idiot and i can figure out why Nikon is doing what its doing...