Should I sell my D7000?


TPF Noob!
Aug 10, 2010
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Okay. So I got my X100 last Wednesday and I've been debating if I should keep my D7000 or not.

Reasons why I want to keep it:
1. There might be times when I would need to use a different focal length.
2. Better pictures
3. Faster, no shutter delay
4. More dials, easier to change settings.

Reasons why I want to sell:
1. Size (It's pretty big for me to bring out all the time)
2. I use it like once every 2 months, so now that I have a X100, I would probably use it even less. I've had it for about 5 months and shutter count is at 600.
3. Cost (I could sell it and just keep the money for other purposes such as travel)

The main reason is that I use it so little now, and with a X100 I'll probably use it even less. I mainly take pictures of landscape, sometimes family. I'm just a hobbyist, so is it worth it to keep both cameras?
That sounds like a hard one. The D7000 is a great camera and being able to swap lenses for different focal lengths etc can be indispensable if you go beyond casual shooting. I personally would hold onto it for a while to see if you go back to it at all. Maybe take both of them with you to see if you find yourself reaching for the Nikon. I know it's hard after spending so much on both cameras...
Hang onto it instead of making a knee-jerk decision. If, after the summer, you really don't use it, then I'll be happy to send you $25 for it.
The reason I want to sell it now is because I'll get more back for it NOW then waiting a few months. If I do sell it, I'm selling it to a friend, so it's not like I wouldn't have access to a dslr or I could get a cheaper dslr for the times that I need it.

Also, most of my pictures are wide angle shots. I rarely use a telephoto.

What I'm trying to ask is if it's worth keeping an extra camera if I'm only going to use it a few times a year.
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Well the D7000 isn't all that big, but that sounds like it is a big issue for you...sell it.
Well, yeah it's not that big, but I can't fit it in my backpack for school even w/o books and stuff. x.x
That 480Sparky is a cheapskate. Im much more magnanimous. I will give you $26.50 for it. I could always use another D7000 for a backup.
That 480Sparky is a cheapskate. Im much more magnanimous. I will give you $26.50 for it. I could always use another D7000 for a backup.

Can we stay on topic? I'm not selling it here, I already have a buyer if I decide to sell it.
Why did you get the D7000 in the beginning? I know sometimes you can't bring a bulky camera to some places and you wish you had a camera. I say keep both and wait awhile to see if this phrase is gone. I bought my D90 and used it for a month and it was on the shelf for a few months. Then I start to get back into it and start bringing the camera everywhere I go. Even at school, work and etc.
Well, yeah it's not that big, but I can't fit it in my backpack for school even w/o books and stuff. x.x
Get a bigger backpack.

A backpack would cost me more money and will be pretty bulky. I also don't want to carry so much weight on me every day because I have a lot of walking to do. I'm not asking for a way to bring my D7000 with me everywhere. I'm asking if I should keep it if I'm only going to use it ONCE every few months.
The answer can only come from you. All we can do is offer advice, based on our experiences and not yours.

One way to look at it is: Will you NEED to use the D7000 for any possible (conceivable as well as inconceivable) reasons, or can you use the X100 instead? If the answer is "Yes", then keep it. If it's "No", then sell it.
If you can't decide for yourself, maybe your not ready to sell it. So maybe you should keep it around for a while, then decide.
If I had a $XXXX D7000 (which I do) and turned around and bought a X100 for $XXXX, I would definitely sell the D7000.

^^^ This is from a monetary point of view. However, If money is no object and I needed both types of camera's, I would keep them both.

I personally, have a D7000 for learning the trade and my main hobby. I also have a $250 Panasonic Lumix that I got refurbed for $140 (that I already had in paypal money). The compact camera was a substantial expense for me but I needed it for carrying in my backpack and in my pocket sometimes. It's all about fun and application.
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