What would you do if you won the Powerball?!


TPF Noob!
Aug 14, 2015
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Stevens Point, WI
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In case you haven't heard, the Powerball jackpot is up to $800 million and is still expected to climb before tomorrow night's drawing.

My question is what would you buy/do with the money if you won the Powerball?

I would buy a house, pay off my student loans, buy a new car, donate some to charities, and give some to my family. I would continue to finish my schooling, and continue to work, because I don't want to be one of those people that just blows through the earnings...

See Here:
And Here on what not to do with your winnings...

So what would you do if you won the Powerball?
I was wondering if someone would pose this question! Thanks :)
FootballFan, you are thinking WAY too small....you have $400 million after taxes, go buy a sports team or a couple of Cessnas!
I would give ton$$ to Veteran causes like Wounded Warrior and such.

Oh yeah, I could run for President and fund my own campaign.
-Renovate my mother's house for her.
-Build a house for Buzz and I, which would include luxuries but not the ones you might think. Okay, well, maybe some, like the pool and gym and big closets, but I'd also want a custom darkroom and a heated/air conditioned garage with a car lift so it's easier to work on cars. We don't want a big house, but want lots of land around us so we don't have to see neighbors, so really the biggest luxury would be space.
-Travel. A LOT.
I was wondering if someone would pose this question! Thanks :)
FootballFan, you are thinking WAY too small....you have $400 million after taxes, go buy a sports team or a couple of Cessnas!
I would give ton$$ to Veteran causes like Wounded Warrior and such.

Oh yeah, I could run for President and fund my own campaign.
Let's hope you make a better Presidential candidate that Trump!!
Oh. I forgot to mention.

There is no 'if' I win the lottery. It's 'when'.

THEN I will chit my pants and die.
Haha, I was just thinking about this! We don't actually play the lottery at all, but it's fun to think about, right?

I'd buy a few houses...one near my parents, one near my husband's parents, one up in Yosemite, and my grandmother's old house. None of them would have to be super fancy, just big enough for the family.

My husband would buy some ridiculous truck. I'd buy a small but crazy luxurious car. I would hire however many people it took so I would never have to pick up another Lego.

I'd buy all those ridiculously expensive lenses just to see if they're actually any good. And I'd build an astronomy platform onto the Yosemite house and get the set-up to take pictures of deep space.

I'd take the whole family and travel everywhere it's reasonable to take small children. Then we'd come back and my husband and I would both go to graduate school, him probably in psychology and me in...I don't even know. Writing? Library science? It wouldn't even matter, I love school. I'd have private tutoring for the kids so they can focus their energy on their talents and interests. Every break we'd travel some more. As the kids got older, we'd probably end up in some crazy places...I know my husband's always dreamed of going to Antarctica.

A lot would go to charity, but at some point I think I'd prefer to start my own charity so I could know the money is actually making it where it needs to go. Medical research might be my main focus.

I'm pretty sure after all that we'd be tapped out. That's okay, because then we could actually do some work with the degrees we worked for. :)
I might buy a D800 and the Holy Trinity. And a couple of lights. I'd like some lights.
Lights are good, but the D500 can see in the dark so I won't need them :bom:

It can also see dead people and wash my cars :)
Invest in Real Estate.

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